Thursday, October 23, 2014



Blog ai lg cloud success

October has been an excellent month to review my year’s goals and evaluate changes needed to set quality but realistic goals for next year. Since reading Boundaries by Doctors John Townsend and Henry Cloud I have been a fan of their website and counseling materials. In Beyond Boundaries Dr. Townsend, begins Chapter 12, “Great relationships are fulfilling.  Great relationships involve risk.  You can’t have the first without the second.”

In the following blog written for Dave Ramsey, Dr. Townsend explores Two Areas of Life that Set Successful People Apart.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Dementia Umbrella

October and November are months when fund raising for Alzheimer’s disease sponsors marathon walks. What these groups do not identify is the research tact they are supporting. And gaining research money is big.

FYI, I teach certification training in Mental Health and Dementia for WA DSHS. In our Dementia workbook the third page shows a grey on grey umbrella representing the broad diagnosis of Dementia.  Under this umbrella are the more specific definitions of symptoms: Alzheimer’s, Pick’s Disease, Vascular, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, Lewy Body, to name a few.

Observing the residents who come to our home, while it does not get the big name recognition, I have conjectured that Vascular Dementia is as common as Alzheimer’s. You may be more familiar with the term “hardening of the arteries.” The following link ties brain and heart health together.  The cause of Alzheimer’s is at least 20% genetic. Vascular can be avoided by conscious, life-long health habits.

Check it out.