comes in formats other than books or magazines.
Laughtland offers a delightful website with poems and her postcards and zines. http://teenytiny.org She prints tiny
books folded and sliced from a single standard sheet of computer paper that
present the reader with a cover and 7 pages. Her following poem would fit
perfectly on one of those pages.
On an Errand
I found the cupboard
far from bare
but lacking important
for banana muffins:
wheat flour
and baking powder. So
I drove
to the grocery store,
pausing twice
at four-way stops and
once more
to look (no cars were
behind me)
at the tidy row of
purple and white,
beside the cemetery.
postcard serves as a tiny frame for a personal note of appreciation. In the
days of email we have forgotten this now unique method of communication.
Kooser was born in Ames, Iowa and sold life insurance in Nebraska for Lincoln
Benefit Life Company. He has published a book called Winter Morning Walks which consists entirely of poems he wrote to
fit on 100 postcards for his friend, poet Jim Harrison (post of April 6). Clear, delightful
observations of nature as the poet sees it.
timed to the ticking of downspouts.
The pond, still numb from months
of ice, reflects just one enthusiastic
this morning, a budding maple
whose every twig is strung with beads
of carved cinnabar, bittersweet red.
melting from the roof.
the sky rippled with geese,
the green comes on slowly,timed to the ticking of downspouts.
The pond, still numb from months
of ice, reflects just one enthusiastic
this morning, a budding maple
whose every twig is strung with beads
of carved cinnabar, bittersweet red.
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